The following agreement covers the terms and conditions of the Equipment Loaner Program. This agreement is between the company/customer and GRID365.
The customer agrees to adhere to the applicable guidelines and policies.
Duration: The customer agrees to loaner agreement for a specified amount of time. The program duration is for 21 days and can be extended at the discretion of GRID365. Either party can cancel this program at any given time and at which point all equipment will be returned to GRID365. All equipment must be in good condition.
Financial Responsibility: The company must agree to accept full financial responsibility for the costs associated with repair and/or replacement of the loaner equipment if it is damaged, lost, or stolen. If the loaner equipment is damaged, lost, or stolen, the faculty member will be required to notify the GRID365 immediately. Retail price of the equipment will be charged to the company.
Purpose of the loan: The main purpose of the Equipment Loaner Program is to provide a more convenient way for a customer to test and try out the products and services offer by GRID365.
Technical Support: The company must contact GRID365 support ( if loaner equipment repairs are required. The Help Desk will contact the appropriate support staff to provide the repair needed, but is unable to guarantee repair of loaner equipment within a specified time frame.
Virus Protection: The company checking out a laptop or tablet PC is expected to protect the laptop from computer viruses and worms. GRID365 will provide instructions on how to complete the virus updates once a statement specifying that the company is expected to follow those instructions consistently is received.
Sensitive Information: The company will apply approved safeguards to protect GRID365 materials from unauthorized disclosure or damage. Because the loaner equipment is provided for trial usage, sensitive information will not be stored on it. The company accepts responsibility for any information stored on the loaner equipment.
Equipment and supplies: The company is responsible for transporting and connecting loaner equipment in its offices. The company must take reasonable and prudent precautions to protect loaner equipment against damage, loss, or abuse while in the company’s care, custody, and control. Loaner equipment may be used for official State business only. Loaner equipment is serviced and repaired ONLY by GRID365 or their warranty providers.
Inventory Tracking: The loaner equipment will exist on a GRID365 inventory account.
GRID365 Liability: GRID365 will not be responsible for damages or losses that occur to the company’s personal equipment, software or data resulting from participation in this program or from equipment failure or other causes.
Computer Equipment Guidance and Care: Loaner equipment is for company related usage only. Company may not use loaner equipment for unlawful purposes, personal use, or for work for other employers outside the company.
Equipment provided for the Equipment Loner Program must not be altered or added to in any way (e.g., upgraded processor, expanded memory, or extra personal software) without GRID365’s expressed authorization.
The company should remove all files, including personal files, prior to returning the loaner equipment. The loaner equipment will be imaged upon return to GRID365. GRID365 will accept no responsibility for maintaining any files left on the loaner equipment upon their return.
Loaner Equipment no longer used by a company must be returned within 3 business days after the program duration has ended. The loaner equipment must be returned in operable condition. Normal wear and tear on the loaner equipment is expected and will not incur a charge to the borrowing department. If the loaner equipment is returned in damaged or inoperable condition, the company will be charged for the full repair/replacement cost. GRID365 will check the condition of the loaner equipment after it is returned to verify that it is in the agreed upon condition.
Software used by the company is subject to the same GRID365 restrictions on duplication and unauthorized usage as software used in a production environment. Only software with valid licenses should be loaded on the laptops. The company will be held liable for any illegal software loaded on the laptop.
Exiting the Program: GRID365 may end the company’s participation in the Equipment Loaner Program at any given time if the loaner equipment is not being used in accordance with this agreement. Customer may exit the program at any time before the end of the duration of the program.
The company will be required to return the loaner equipment on the date specified. If the loaner equipment is not returned on time, the company will lose the right to further participate in future Equipment Loaner Program.